Method Editor Irritants

Chip Scheide (6/1/14 12:56AM)

Chip Scheide (6/1/14 12:56 AM)

actually since v11 -
4D seems, in some cases to recognize that a table is required as a
parameter, and in other situations it does not.
I do not remember which commands exactly, but for sake of this
thread...Save record vs Load record

if Save Record is one that does not recognize a table is required, and
Load Record does, what I have experienced:
type Save Record and needed characters for the table reference, type
closing parenthesis and 4D fills in the first field of the table, so
Save Record([Table]field1)

If Load Record is a command that does recognize the need for a table
as a parameter
type Load Record and needed characters for the table reference, type
closing parenthesis and 4D completes the table name and square bracket
Load Record([Table])

/color><color><param>8826F,0000,8219/param>TThe type ahead is
wonderful but when it finds a field starting with "A" it
inserts that instead of the character being typed in this case the
bracket ")"

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