Detect Slave Client Disconnect (Benedict, Tom)

QuickWire (4/7/14 10:34AM)
Perkins, Bradley D (4/7/14 2:59PM)

QuickWire (4/7/14 10:34 AM)

I write a timestamp to the database instead of a local external file.
the server hasn't heard from the client in x number of minutes, it
out email.



color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>II do have one question. In a case
where 4D Remote has lost its connection
to the server, is it possible that some processes (e.g., the one
the heartbeat file) might continue to run in the background in 4D
If so, I would probably not want to update the heartbeat file unless I
could ping the server. Can anyone confirm if I need to do the latter,
does a case where a disconnect occur stop all other 4D processing?

Perkins, Bradley D (4/7/14 2:59 PM)

I asked a similar question recently and plan to implement a heartbeat
based solution. I was thinking that I'd simply run the 'touch' command
a known file and have another script routinely check that file's last
modification date. If the age is greater than X, I'd run a script that
would kill 4D Remote if it is running. I've already got scripts in
that ensure 4D Remote is always running.

I do have one question. In a case where 4D Remote has lost its
to the server, is it possible that some processes (e.g., the one
the heartbeat file) might continue to run in the background in 4D
If so, I would probably not want to update the heartbeat file unless I
could ping the server. Can anyone confirm if I need to do the latter,
does a case where a disconnect occur stop all other 4D processing?


Brad Perkins

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